Energy tools, energy trainings and Reiki
for your healing
Also; I play with an individual microcurrent device Healy. Explore:


When you`d like a little advice, some push or insight on why something is happening you can get the answer in so many ways. The oracle cards is one of my favorite ways.
If you are having difficulties with moving forward and would like to get some help, I`d be honored to do your reading. You can ask a specific question or have a general reading for your highest good. Sometimes it`s just one card and sometimes many. Often the bottom card offers even more depth.
Send an e-mail with your question and you can pay in my web shop: henkilökohtainen neuvonta/personal advice. Readings are 33€.

I’m excited to be able to share a few readings with you here. Explore these examples below and get in touch with any questions or requests for your own reading.

Sharing a few card tables with you all💝
This was a client with a specific question that had to do with a choice she had to do.
Sometimes it's just one card. I do not decide it. Sometimes ten😅
This was a very clear message to put aside reason and emotion and follow intuition💫 Often we just know what to do but following that intuitive wisdom can be difficult if your mind doesn't find any reasons to do so🙄
This is what it can look like when there is a lot of stuff coming thru...😅
This client asked about next year and you can see that it might be lovely🤗💝 The first card set the condition here: they must be gentle! Then everything will unfolf beautifully💎 There were different cards for different areas in their life.
I gift my clients (if I know their birthday - thank you fb for the reminders since almost all clients want to be fb friends🙏) a reading, feng shui basics or a mini distance healing.
This lady chose the reading. No specific question.
Will share a bit of what came thru here: a need for her to protect herself better, boundaries and to trust her own spirit, inner power, higher self. Suggested a few easy practices💫

Like I said before, I do not choose how many cards. I read all that come thru. This was a rather big birthday present reading but that is what felt right.
This was about boundaries, some practical help with that, new beginning and self expression.
This reading was an answer to a question about what to focus on and it was simple and clear what came thru.
Here the client needed some help in decision making and asked how things would turn out if she followed her intuition. She got confirmation as you can see.
Sometimes it can be hard to trust the inner knowing when the mind is giving excuses not to do what you know in your heart to be right.